11am-1pm: contact sports
2pm – 4pm : Doing a Workers’ Inquiry of Choke Points at Work.
Robert Ovetz and Gifford Hartman will discuss workers’ inquiries and demonstrate how to do one at work. Robert is the editor of Workers’ Inquiry and Global Class Struggle (Pluto 2020) and Gifford Hartman is founding member of the Global Supply Chain Study/Research Group (https://libcom.org/blog/empire-logistics <https://libcom.org/blog/empire-logistics>), is an adult educator, labor trainer and working class historian.
4pm-6pm: Play! With the Kommunikatzen

Don’t you know it? Lenghty, monotonous meetings, new or complicated situations in a already strenous political routine? Or do you organise or meet often new people you don’t know (very well) yet? Playing can help to break the ice, to get to know each other, to support boring meetings or to get aha moments.
Organising workshop: Union makes us strong! Organising in temporary jobs and the gig economy
More and more people have temporary jobs or work in the gig economy (via online platforms). How to get organised in this case? A workshop with members of the self organised unions IWW and FAU as well as members of the Reinigungskollektiv (involved in a struggle at the Biogen site in Lutherbach SO) and the collective Riders United ZH.