Presentations / Discussions


Book presentation “Rebellisches Berlin. Expeditionen in die untergründige Stadt”

The book tells the story of the rebellious Berlin from the “Berliner Unwillen” riots in 1440 until today’s struggle against gentrification and for decent housing and rents. “Rebellisches Berlin” does not only speak about the past and make it visible through still existing places, but wants also to encourage and inspire future struggles and rebellions.


The Viome factory in Greece: living utopia

When the company went bankrupt in 2011, the workers of Philkeram Johnson occupied the factory and started to produce biodegradable cleaning products. Until today, Viome manages through a horizontal non-hierarchical scheme of organisation to produce high quality products proving that a thriving self-organized factory is not a utopia.

Two Viome workers talk about the start of the project, the struggles they faced and the experience they acquired in self-organisation.


LIBERATION FROM MONEY AND PROPERTY – organising the re_production without domination

The workshop starts with a short introduction to the criticism of the present conditions (that necessarily has to leave some parts out…). The main part then presents first reflexions and some aspects on how to organise the re_production without domination. The last part concentrates on possible steps how we can liberate ourselves already today a little bit more from money and property. We’ll discuss collective actions too.


Candle light reading : « Mines de Courrières, ignominie capitaliste, face aux patrons-assassins, la révolte des classes ouvrières » (in French only) A reading of historical sources in order to remind us of the social militant history and to rediscover the struggles that led to social conquests that we forgot today, what makes that we make intolerable concessions to the bosses.


Movie screening: “Radical Resilience“

Radical Resilience is a film for anyone involved in social or environmental change, that aims to spread awareness and encourage discussion about the effects of burnout within our movements, both individually and collectively.